
Showing posts from 2013

Art Photography: Lake Eola Park, Orlando Florida, Summer 2013

I'm finding plenty of time to work on some photos that I've just had sitting on my hard drive for months. Here are some shots I got while visiting Lake Eola park in Orlando, this past summer. This last one, with the sparkling water behind the swan, is my absolute favorite. If you haven't paid Lake Eola a visit recently, I highly recommend it. What a relaxing place to unwind, and best of all, it's free!

Thrift Store Finds September Edition: Dresses

Hey ya'll, I know it's been a while! Here's an easy, lighthearted post for ya: fun thrift store finds I found in late September. Most of these I did purchase; a few I did not. I promise a post of substance coming soon--it has been a wild ride for the bigger part of October and I'm seriously hoping life will calm down for November. I've had all the excitement I can stand, but I can tell you all about that soon. :) This dress is just so *easy*. It's deep plums, browns, greys, tans. Basically every easy color in my wardrobe. Literally throw on shoes and a necklace and go. For one of the first times ever, my boobs were just too big for this lacy little number. Not purchased. I have never, and will never, run an Ironman, but it's cute for working out no? Purchased, $2. FAVORITE find of the day: this long maxi dress. It's a light polyester something-or-other blend. $6. Brand new, made in India, gorgeous dress. I have yet to wear it...

Thrift Shop Finds: Darling Deer Dress

I should probably preface this post by stating that I go thrift shopping at least once a month. Imagine my excitement when my new friend Scuffy also informed me that she loves thrift-ing. Done deal, it's a date. I had a mission this particular go-round: locate at least one of my Halloween costumes (I have multiple soirees this year), and locate some work clothes. Perhaps also some Pinterest project-worthy decorative items. Well, I located six dresses and a shirt, so I guess that sort of counts? I don't know, but I did locate one of my two Halloween costumes--our friend Adam is having a Prohibition Halloween party, and so of course I'm going as a flapper. I located a sequin-covered shift dress. Add in some arched 20's eyebrows, long seed bead necklace, and some bobby-pinned 'do, and I'll be happy. My favorite find though? This fantastic Deer Dress, below: It's super short, so I don't think I can safely get away with wearing it to work, but o...

Ology Cruelty-Free Laundry Soap

As many of my dear friends know, along the way of becoming a mostly-vegan vegetarian, I have started to incorporate cruelty-free shopping into my lifestyle wherever possible. This means buying soaps, detergents, skincare, makeup, and bath items that were not tested on animals and preferably not made from animal products. Now, this process is by no means easy. A few afternoons poring over websites, a few cruelty-free apps for my iPhone downloaded, and a few trips to Target and Walgreens later, and I have to say, the selection dwindles infinitely when you decide to stop buying animal-tested products. But that's the problem and the point I guess; almost everything we buy is tested in labs on poor defenseless animals when now safer, more effective ways of lab testing exists. There is no reason why, in the year 2013, and in the massive amount of technological and scientific advancement that we as a society now face, that we should be testing harsh chemicals on defenseless living cr...